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Top 10 Worst Pandemics in World History


A pandemic is an outbreak of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance, multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a large number of people. Throughout human history, there have been several pandemics of illnesses such as smallpox and tuberculosis. In this article, we will see the 10 worst pandemics in the world history.

10. Antonine Plague of 165 and 180 AD

The old pandemic, ‘Antonine Plague’ also known as ‘Plague of Galen’, took the lives of five million people in Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece, and Italy between 165 and 180 AD.

The Plague of Galen is thought to have been either Smallpox or Measles though the true cause is still unexplained.

The unknown illness was brought back to Rome by soldiers retreating from Mesopotamia around 165AD; unknowingly, they had spread a disease that would end up killing over 5 million people and decimating the Roman army.

09. Justinian Plague from 541 to 542 AD

Justinian Plague is thought to have killed half of the population (5000 people per day) in Europe in 541 and 542 AD. The plague was an outbreak of the bubonic plague that afflicted the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean port cities and took the lives of 25 million people in its year-long reign of terror.

Bubonic plague is one of the three types of plague caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis and, is mainly spread by infected fleas from small animals. It may also result from exposure to the body fluids from a dead plague-infected animal.

08. The Black Death (1346 and 1353)

From 1346 to 1353, an outbreak of 'The Bubonic Plague' ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia, with a predicted death toll between 75 and 200 million people.

Beginning from Asia, it crossed continents via the fleas living on the rats that so often lived aboard merchant ships, whose harbors were major urban centers at the time and, was the perfect breeding ground for the rats and fleas, and thus the insidious bacterium flourished, devastating three continents in its wake.

07. Third Cholera Pandemic from 1852 to 1860

Considered the most lethal of the seven cholera pandemics, the third major outbreak of cholera in the 19th century continued for eight years from 1852 to 1860.

The third Cholera Pandemic was originated in India, spreading from the Ganges River Delta before moving through Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa that took the lives of over a million people.

British physician John Snow identified that contaminated water as the means of transmission for the disease which took 23,000 lives in Great Britain.

06. Flu Pandemic from 1889 to 1890

‘Asiatic Flu’ or ‘Russian Flu’ as it was named this strain was thought to be an outbreak of the ‘Influenza A’ virus subtype ‘H2N2’.

The first cases were observed in May 1889 in three separate and remote places, Bukhara in Central Asia, Athabasca in northwestern Canada, and Greenland.

The rapid growth of the population in the 19th century, particularly in urban areas, helped the flu spread claiming the lives of over a million people.

05. Sixth Cholera Pandemic from 1910-1911

Like its five previous incarnations, the Sixth Cholera Pandemic arose in India and killed over 800,000, before reaching to the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia.

American health authorities, with experience, quickly sought to isolate the infected, and in the end, only 11 deaths occurred in the U.S.

Meanwhile, by 1923 Cholera cases had been cut down dramatically, although it was still a constant in India.

04. Spanish Flu Pandemic in between 1918 and 1920

Thought to be the ancestor of the coronavirus outbreak in 2020 the world struggling with, the fatal outbreak of influenza, colloquially known as ‘Spanish Flu’, tore across the globe between 1918 and 1920.

The Spanish Flu Pandemic infected a third of the world’s population and claimed the lives of 20–50 million people.

03. Asian Flu in between 1956 and 1958

‘Asian Flu’ was a pandemic outbreak of ‘Influenza A’ of the ‘H2N2 subtype’, that originated in China in 1956 and lasted until 1958.

In its two-year spree, Asian Flu traveled from the Chinese province of Guizhou to Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States, causing approximately 2 million deaths, 69,800 of those in the US alone.

02. Hong Kong Flu Pandemic in 1968

The Flu Pandemic in 1968, often classified as the ‘Hong Kong Flu’, was caused by the H3N2 strain of the Influenza A virus, a genetic by-product of the H2N2 subtype.

In Hong Kong, it took only 17 days before outbreaks of the virus were reported in Singapore and Vietnam, and within three months had spread to the Philippines, India, Australia, Europe, and the United States.

Having a low mortality rate (0.5%) it still resulted in the deaths of more than a million people, including 500,000 residents of Hong Kong, almost 15 percent of its population at the time.

01. HIV/AIDS Pandemic at its peak from 2005 to 2012

HIV/AIDS was first identified in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976, and later truly established itself as a global pandemic, killing more than 36 million people since 1981.

Currently, between 31 and 35 million people are suffering from HIV, the vast majority of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 5 percent of the inhabitants is infected.

Between 2005 and 2012 the annual global deaths from HIV/AIDS dropped from 2.2 million to 1.6 million. The mortality losses by HIV/AIDS was estimated at 36 million in total.

The present pandemic

The World Health Organization on March 11 declared the coronavirus crisis a pandemic but added that it is not too late for countries to act.

COVID-19 is affecting 157 countries and townships around the world.


